Why Steam? – Home cooking revolution.

Why Steam? – is this a revolution in home cooking?

It’s a strong statement but steam ovens are a revolution in cooking. Food can be cooked at the correct temperature for the correct amount of time.

A steam oven won’t replace your other kitchen appliances but it will replace your standard oven.

My grandmother raised a family of nine children. Meal times were not only the eleven immediate family members but often there were the other relatives who popped in for a feed. Her stove was modern for its time – the Kookaburra brand.

Kookaburra stove and oven


My grandmother had to plan ahead so one day was baking biscuits and cakes, one day was bread and so on. Fast forward to 2017 and not many of us have the time to spend cooking like that.

One of the things that I love about our combi steam oven is that cooking a roast is achievable now whereas in the past I would only have cooked a roast on the weekend.

Thankfully times have changed since the Kookaburra Stove was the stove of choice.